FTD3Unfortunately, there is an end to FTD3, after a long struggle against the Brein Foundation in Haarlem, the court sentenced the spot illegal activities of FTD. More information can be found at the website of the makers of ftd3. Who knows, there is a sequel, we'll keep you posted.

If you have no experience with newsgroups, you can start with the beginning of the manual.

If you always news groups must take to see if there is something you're interested, this is a time consuming activity. With FTD3 this is an easy job. FTD (Fills Threads Database) is a program belonging to a community. The program allows people to let each other know what and where they are Usenet posts.

It is with this program you can post on each other to react and fills, Par2 files and re-posts to the poster asking.

It is a program that you can find many posts and direct contact with the poster can have.

You can become a member of this community. The problem is that membership is limited to the density of servers limit. It is possible that there are no more free places. The dormant accounts are regularly cleaned up so there is room. If it fails, try it every day, this could easily take a couple of weeks but it is certainly worthwhile.

The program can download from the following locations.

Mirror 1
Mirror 2


Installing the program is simple.

  • After downloading and unzipping the file, click SetupFTD3.8 .zip to start the installation.


  • The License Agreement screen is open, click I Agree.


  • Click the Next button.


  • Use the Browse button, we can choose the location where we want to install the program, usually done at the proposed location. Click Next.


  • If you do not want to shortcut in the Start menu, then select Do not create shortcuts to. We are now ready to install the program, click Install.


  • If you do not want to shortcut in the Start menu, then select Do not create shortcuts to. We are now ready to install the program.
Open the program after installation.


At the first start cofiguratie the window open on the tab FTD. The Advanced tab is only necessary if you need a proxy server to the Internet connection.


  • To use the program to use, we must first create an account, click the button Create a new FTD account.


  • Enter a "User Name" and "Password" in, then enter a valid e-mail address. When you're done, click Edit.
  • Now there are two thing:
  1. It is not accepted and you will get the following picture. We have bad luck, there is a members stop and we must try again later.

  2. It has been accepted and we can go. Make sure that you regularly visit the community otherwise the account cleared. Click the Save button. FTD start now, if not the case, start it manually.
  • The main screen opens, click the Config button to open the configuration screen. Click the General tab, you can experiment with the settings.


Activate option to add extra pars.
  • If you have additional pars to your posts to add this option is ticked.
Program from taskbar.
  • FTD is not in the taskbar if this option is checked.
Icon display in systray.
  • The FTD icon bottom right of the clock displayed.
All notifications are displayed.
  • FTD shows little messages when a task is performed.

Avatars show.

  • Personal images of other users show.

Emoticons and other images to show forum messages.

  • Display  Smileys.

Post in Forums view threaded mode.

  • Responding to a message is directly below the message and not the bottom of the page.

Group list hide.

  • Group lists are hidden when you get this box options.

Category panel will automatically collapse in forum visit.

  • In a forum Visit the category on the left panel will automatically collapse to make room for the forum.

New filter will automatically turn off.

  • This filter ensures that only the newly arrived to see posts since your last update.

Rating scale.

  • If the Item overview tab "Ratings update" is checked the rating scale works.

FTD NZB Portal button show in post.

  • On each item is a button with a link to the search portal of FTD.
  • Click the tab Mail Overview.


  • Can you indicate which columns in the item list must be displayed and post-survey settings can be configured to your needs.
    Click category filter.


There are 4 filters, Image, Sound, Games and Applications. Each item has its own basic filter.
Then, it is also a personal filter set. In FTDv3.7 there is a handy wizard to help you to set up filters, click Need Help? Start the wizard.

Click the Group Filter tab, you can check newsgroups on and off,  the off post in the newsgroups are no longer displayed by FTD.

Click the Advanced tab.


  • If you're using a proxy server connected to the Internet enter proxy informationat  to the top.
    In the part "Cache" can indicate how many posts up on your screen can be displayed. Do you have a recent PC, you can figure what, and when a slightly older PC decrease.
    If you're ready to click the Save button to return to the main screen.

Profile Information

  • Now we must fill our profile information, click above left to Options/my data.


  • Here you can fill in personal information. Besides the e-mail address are they visible to other FTD members. It is also possible to places an avatar in your message . Click on the button Avatar set is going to open a web page where you can choose an avatar.
  • If everything is completed click the Save Changes button.

Configuring FTD3 it is ready, and we can use FTD3

Use FTD3

FTD3 update


  •  The main screen is open and there is not much to see. To see which posts there are click Update. This may take a while.



After a successful update you will get following window. FTD3

  • Each time (1 time/day) you start the program allows you to update so you always can see the latest post. FTD can also automatically update with every startup of the program, set to do it through Config/Configuration.


  • In the left column you can select the item you are looking for (1).
  • In the right window you see the results.
  • For each item is a small icon. These icons indicate the status of the post.

The meaning of the symbols (2)


Aankondiging: post wordt binnenkort gepost.


Uploaden: deze post wordt momenteel upgeload.


Gereed: post is gereed, poster bied ondersteuning.


Niet langer ondersteund: poster bied geen ondersteuning meer.


Spot: Post op usenet, niet gedaan via FTD.


Posts verwijderen

  • FTD3The status filter can filter out the posts that you do not want to see. I always have the status "No longer supported" filtered out posts because I no longer find interesting.

View Posts

In the right panel we see that background and the text of the posts may have different colors.


  1. Black text: means the item is unchanged.
  2. Blue text: the mail is not new anymore, but has been updated.
  3. Green text: the posts is new in the database.
  • We open a mail by simply clicking on the name of this item in the postal survey.
  • Note that additional information appears when you mouse goes over the post.


  • Click on an item and you get the following screen.


  • Find all information on the post.

Status Icon: It is important that you know for sure whether something is already posted. Caution, therefore, that there is a checkmark.(1)

Information Bar: Poster, date time of notification, FTD number, the number obtained kudos, number of views, newsgroup.(2)

Announcement: Here, the posters often when an item will take place. If the status changes to upload the bar disappears, the example is not visible.

Item Information: Information on the post itself. A picture or photo, a text written by the poster.(3)

Repostinformatie: Posters here give their rules or comments on any to repost.(4)

Files: You can see how many files it are and what file name is used.(5)

Par Information: Information relating to the Par2 repair files that are posted.(6)

Message Forum: Here users can leave a message.(7)



Berichten: Wanneer de aantal berichten boven het maximum per pagina komt worden ze verdeeld over meerdere tabs.


Wijzig bericht: De poster heeft de mogelijkheid om het bericht te wijzigen tot 1 uur na plaatsing, ook de moderators kunnen dit.


Verwijder bericht: Enkel voor moderators.


Quote bericht: Is voor alle gebruikers mogelijk.


Beantwoorden: Een bericht beantwoorden.


Stuur een modje op dit bericht af.


Messages sort


  • Click in the message forum on the icon left of the first message.


  • You can choose which messages you want to view.


If you want to visit a post at a later time you can put it in a wachlist, so that later you easily change in status can keep.

  • Item on the watchlist add, click the item in the top right arrow. It may also in the post on the right sight of the poster on the arrow button.

Je kunt hier kiezen welke berichten je wilt bekijken.



  • The post at a later date to open is done by the menu button on the Watchlist tab. You get the watchlist to see from the item you've selected.


  • In the watchlist can post sorted. There may be a status to be so easy to find in the list as useful as many posts in the watchlist are.
    A posts a status to do by right clicking the item. Select from the drop-down menu "Move to". In the example we chose "Currently downloading".
  • In addition, you can make in this menu the whole wachlist empty, delete the selected item, copying filname or FTD number to the clipboard, it is convenient to the post in an online Usenet search engine to find to make a NZB file of it . To view all the posts "Currently available for download", choose at the menu for" Currently downloading".


Responding to a post

For each item you can add a message to indicate that you also download, or to ask questions.

  • Open a post.
  • Click at the bottom of the item in the Add Message button. FTD3
  • The message window opens.


  • FTD3The upper part is the quotes to fill. Want to comment on any of the messages you can instead of the button Add message to the right of the message in the quote-icon click.
  • Our own message we in the middle part.
  • If you "Visible" check places you get the bottom to see how your message looks like.
  • Click OK to send your message.

Kukos away

It is polite to your appreciation for a post show, this may be a message or by kukos.
kukos are a kind of fictional money that you can give away to show your appreciation for a post.

Open a post.

  • Click at the bottom of the post on the button Kukos away. FTD3
  • The window "Kukos show" opens.


  • Drag the kukos amount you want to give away to the center of the window and click send, the window closes.
  • If a message is written to the post you also see how many kudos you have given away. FTD3
  • The top menu bar on Kukos clicking you get to see how much kukos you have given and received.

Pars applications

If you have an incomplete download with Grabit get and you do not have enough to them posted Par2 files, then you can post in FTD extra blocks Par2 applications. Check first with Quickpar how many blocks you are missing.

  • Open a post.
  • Click at the bottom of the post-Button Pars applications. The button is only visible if the poster allows you to pars requests. FTD3
  • The window "PARS applications" opens.


Drag the slider to the amount Par2 blocks you wish to ask. Click on REQUESTS. You automatically get an email when someone FTD Par2 blocks added.

Pars add

If poster, you can report that you Par2 files are updated. You must first create Par2 blocks with Quickpar.

  • Open a post.
  • Click at the bottom of the post on the button Add Pars. FTD3
  • The window "Add PARS" opens.


  • Use the slider to indicate how many files you may want to post. By clicking the button req you can post some files to equal the number of requested files.
  • Click Add.


  • Do not forget after you are finished with posts click the asterisk before the date.


  • Click OK.

NZB portal

What is an NZB file?

In binaries newsgroups, each file is split into a number of particles that are called articles. After downloading these articles to your news reader (eg Grabit) be merged into the original file.
Each of these articles have a unique number, "Message ID". An NZB file is collection of the Message ID, which merged in a text file with the extension. "nzb". If an NZB file you can import it into your news reader and the original file downloaded.

Above right you can find the following button, this is new in FTD3. FTD3

  • If you click the button, the browser opens and the website of the portal of NZB FTD shown. Here you can NZB search engine, and create a NZB file for the open post.


Let it be clear with FTD can not download, FTD is a very interesting program to obtain information on posts, to the poster and the message writers in touch.

Download Grabit can click on this link for the manual.

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