PC Cleanup

Pc CleanupIf you install programs and then later uninstall them, registry keys will stay  behind in the registry. In this way the programs that you have installed as a trial version will know when they are expired. While using your computer a lot of information will be write to the hard disk and temporary files are created.

This information won’t always be removed neatly. The result is that the disk and the memory become fuller and fuller with unused data. The cleaning of this information makes your computer not only more empty, but often even faster.

Windows XP includes several tools to clean the computer and to make security back-ups, such as system restore point and a backup of  the registry. In the menu bar behind the button "pc cleanup" you can find how to do that.

Fortunately, on the are internet several free programs are available to clean your pc. In the menu bar behind the button "pc cleanup" you will find some of them, such as CCleaner, Easy Cleaner, Disk Cleaner and iSysCleaner. I regularly let these four programs sequentially scan my computer.

Removal from the register should be done with caution. It is therefore recommended that the computer is cleared in a certain order.

Free disk space

Windows tools, it is always advised to create first a restore point and a back up the registry.





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